Work and Income (WINZ) subsidises counselling for beneficiaries and low income earners (including NZ Superannuitants and students) through the Disability Allowance. You can receive this Allowance if you meet income criteria and your Doctor agrees that you need counselling.
You may be eligible for 10 free counselling sessions (or more if clinically indicated) through a WINZ Disability Allowance.
To be eligible for the Disability Allowance your total income must be below certain “cut out points”. (See the table below). To check you meet the current income criteria call 0800 559 009 or talk to your Case Manager. In general, people on benefits will be eligible. If you are a student or a superannuitant your income from all sources combined must be below the cut out points.
Please check the Work and Income Website to see if you are eligible.
ACC provides counselling for anyone in New Zealand, including visitors to the country, who have experienced sexual violence. It doesn’t matter if the event happened recently or a long time ago.
We currently have 5 ACC accredited counsellors.
If you believe you are eligible for ACC Sensitive Claims counselling please email
Most GPs are part of a Primary Health Organisation (PHOs) that run Government funded mental health programmes − often you can access free counselling sessions through visiting and discussing your mental health concerns with your GP. You can also request that your GP sends your referral to us here at Counselling Worx. If eligible, you may receive 4-6 sessions free of charge.
We have a number of sessions. To be eligible for this you either need to be a member.